Escape Manual Data Entry Hell — Tax Preparation Solution for CPA’s and EA’s

Reshma M
3 min readFeb 23, 2024


During tax season, CPAs and EAs in the US face a mountain of manual data entry tasks. This not only eats up tax preparation time but also leads to errors. In the United States, only 90% of taxes are processed every year, according to this IRS report.

They say it’s because taxpayers who request an extension for income tax filing date every year generally have more complex finances. Fortunately, with the rise of AI and advanced tax automation solutions, there’s a chance to simplify tax preparation and pave the way for a new era of streamlined tax preparation processes.

Let’s address the elephant in the room:

AI and machines will not take away jobs. But, ‘smart’ machines will reduce the need for human labor. To give you a better picture of this, in this blog, we’ll delve into how AI-powered tax automation solutions are revolutionizing the way CPAs and EAs approach tax filing.

Not just that, we’ll also dig deep into its benefits, what are the best tax softwares for tax preparers in the US, and how these solutions make manual data entry a thing of the past.

The Transformative Impact of AI in Taxation & Accounting

The integration of AI in accounting has unleashed a transformative wave, particularly in tax preparation. The tedious tasks of manual data entry, interpretation, and analysis no longer shackle CPAs and EAs. AI isn’t just about algorithms and codes; it’s a game-changer liberating accountants from the daily grind of data entry, invoice processing, and reconciliation. This not only expedites the tax preparation process but also enhances the accuracy of calculations and ensures compliance with ever-changing tax regulations.

Think of it this way: You’ll have AI systems swiftly and accurately handling routine tasks, freeing up your valuable time to focus on strategic endeavors.

Escaping Manual Data Entry Hell: A Step-by-Step Guide

To facilitate a smooth transition from manual data entry to automated tax preparation processes, CPAs and EAs can follow these steps:

  1. Evaluate Current Workflow:
    Assess existing workflows and identify areas prone to manual data entry errors or inefficiencies.
  2. Research AI Tax Software:
    Explore various AI tax software solutions available in the market, considering factors such as features, pricing, and user reviews.
Qsense — Tax Preparation Software

3. Select the Right Tool:
Choose a tax automation platform that aligns with the specific needs and budget constraints of your practice.

4. Implement Training Programs:
Provide comprehensive training to staff members on the use of AI tax software, ensuring seamless adoption and utilization.

5. Monitor Performance:
Continuously monitor the performance of the chosen tax software, soliciting feedback from team members and clients to identify areas for improvement.

6. Stay Updated:
Stay abreast of industry developments and regulatory changes, leveraging AI tax software’s capabilities to adapt to evolving tax landscapes effectively.

Read full story — Rescuing CPAs From the Time-Draining Abyss of Manual Extraction

